Drapers Table

Having a boarded English characteristic Oak top standing on a pair of patinated steel x-frame trestle supports it, each with a wooden plinth. Thickness of top : 3cm

Please note that these tables are built to be used; the surfaces of table tops are given only a light oil or wax, which allows for daily use, spillage's and wear to build up patina over time. 
Whilst this may require some daring, an element of patience and trust will equate to a result in 18 months well worth the wait and in five years the table might even be mistaken for an antique.


H 75cm x W 200cm x D 95cm
H 29¾" x W 79" x D 37½"


H 75cm x W 250cm x D 105cm
H 29¾" x W 98½" x D 41½"


H 75cm x W 300cm x D 110cm
H 29¾" x W 118¼" x D 43½"